News — Zelfontwikkeling

Gemstone of the month: Pyrite

Blog Creativiteit Edelstenen Magisch Borduren Pyriet Zelfontwikkeling

Gemstone of the month: Pyrite

Gemstone of the month: Pyrite Keywords: willpower-self-confidence-provides insight-manifestation Pyrite is one of my favorite crystals and is most beautiful to me in its raw form. In earlier times the stone was also called 'fools gold'. At first you could certainly confuse the stone with the real gold. The rough version appears to be made up of hundreds of small blocks and looks somewhat like a building. I use this stone when I am faced with a complex assignment or need clarity and confidence. Sparkling as this crystal is, the connection with your inner fire (3rd chakra) is also quickly made....

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Gemstone of the month: Rose quartz

Edelstenen Magisch Borduren Rozenkwarts Zelfontwikkeling

Gemstone of the month: Rose quartz

Gemstone of the month: Rose quartz Keywords: self-acceptance – love for yourself and others – shaping creative ideas If there is one crystal that almost everyone knows or recognizes, it is rose quartz. With its soft light pink color and fine energy, this stone is a favorite for many. I have a rough rose quartz in my studio and a pyramid shape at my altar. When I experience stress or I have no creative ideas, I often grab this crystal. Pink is also one of my favorite colors! Rose quartz not only makes you look at yourself more gently and...

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What embroidery and spirituality has taught me

Intuitie Magisch Borduren Spirituele Reis Zelfontwikkeling

What embroidery and spirituality has taught me

What does embroidery actually have to do with spirituality? Nothing at all, right? I often get that question from people because it seems like two different worlds. Not for me, but I understand where the confusion comes from because with embroidery people can imagine what you are doing. Enjoy using your hands to create something with needle and thread. That is clear and concrete. Although spirituality has become more and more mainstream, it still proves to be an elusive concept as to why I wanted to combine it with embroidery. 'Are you going to do embroidery in a yoga position...

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Out with the old..Welcome 2021!

Danielle Balfoort Eindejaarsblog Intuitie Spirituele Reis Zelfontwikkeling

Out with the old..Welcome 2021!

Out with the old..Welcome 2021! So much has already been said about last year and I wonder what else I could add. Like you perhaps, I had to adapt, get used to and reinvent myself several times. Without denying that 2020 has been a difficult year, I do have some silver linings that I want to share with you. Now around the holidays I always have a melancholic feeling that time has flown again and that Christmas used to always seem to last much longer and be more festive. At the same time, there is a part of me that...

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