News — tips
Tips: About how to make an embroidery design part 1
boost your creativity Creativiteit Moodboard tips

Part 1 Collecting and filtering It often starts with inspiration and collecting that inspiration . Of course everyone does it in their own way, but I'm all about mood boards. I have quite a collection of magazines to draw from and it starts very simply with collecting images. You can of course also find a lot online (for example Pinterest), but that can lead to far too long scrolling sessions with an overload of choice. If you are super handy with a tablet and illustrator, then digital is definitely a great choice. I love paper and my brain works better...
My Moon Magic Embroidery Project: Part I
blog Edelstenen Intuitie Magisch Borduren tips

I have a thing for the moon and stars and everything that is present in our galaxy. That's probably because my zodiac sign is Cancer and that sign is connected to the energy of the moon. But also the mystery that surrounds it and that sometimes you are suddenly surprised by the beauty of a clear sky with twinkling stars! In recent months I have also read a lot about how the cycle of the new moon and the full moon affects us humans (more than you would think). Ooh I would like to write so much about this (there...
Sacred Geometry: The spiral, infinite growth and development
Heilige Geometrie Intuitie Magisch Borduren Spirituele Reis tips

All those sacred geometric shapes are super interesting, but what do they actually mean? Can you also do something with it? I will tell you more in this series of blogs. First of all, briefly what sacred geometry is: Centuries ago, ancient civilizations discovered that the world we live in and we ourselves are based on underlying geometry. These symmetrical shapes do not occur by chance. These ancient shapes were seen as the key to the mystery of creation. Instead of words, it is a language of symbols that works with geometric images. The philosopher Plato was the first to...
Re-using embroidery 'waste' in a creative way (9 tips!)
blog boost your creativity Danielle Balfoort embroidery re-use story tips

Re-using embroidery ‘waste’ in a creative way (9 tips!) My thoughts on how to re-use my embroidery waste and changing my creative process Where products are made there is waste…that is the brutal reality and makes me realize that I need to be more responsible and critical when it comes to my own creation process... I try to be conscious by reducing my waste at home, separating my carbage, don’t buy fast fashion but mostly secondhand and/or fair niche brands. I am slowly changing my beauty routine into using nature-based products from niche brands. Every step forward sometimes means 3...