News — Magisch Borduren
Sacred Geometry: The Vesica Piscis
Heilige Geometrie Intuitie Magisch Borduren Vesica Piscis

Gemstone of the month: Pyrite
Blog Creativiteit Edelstenen Magisch Borduren Pyriet Zelfontwikkeling

Gemstone of the month: Pyrite Keywords: willpower-self-confidence-provides insight-manifestation Pyrite is one of my favorite crystals and is most beautiful to me in its raw form. In earlier times the stone was also called 'fools gold'. At first you could certainly confuse the stone with the real gold. The rough version appears to be made up of hundreds of small blocks and looks somewhat like a building. I use this stone when I am faced with a complex assignment or need clarity and confidence. Sparkling as this crystal is, the connection with your inner fire (3rd chakra) is also quickly made....
My Moon Magic Embroidery Project: Part II
blog Borduren Creativiteit Edelstenen Fly me to the moon Maansteen Magisch Borduren

As promised: here is the update on my project Fly me to the moon (indeed based on the Frank Sinatra song :) Since the March blog about this ( read part 1 here ) I have made reasonable progress and tried to embroider for 1.5 hours every day. I always enjoy big projects, but there always comes a time when I get impatient and want to start a new challenge. (Recognizable?) Then I usually go for a walk or treat myself to something nice like a cappuccino. I can also leave the embroidery for a week or two until I...
Gemstone of the month: Rose quartz
Edelstenen Magisch Borduren Rozenkwarts Zelfontwikkeling

Gemstone of the month: Rose quartz Keywords: self-acceptance – love for yourself and others – shaping creative ideas If there is one crystal that almost everyone knows or recognizes, it is rose quartz. With its soft light pink color and fine energy, this stone is a favorite for many. I have a rough rose quartz in my studio and a pyramid shape at my altar. When I experience stress or I have no creative ideas, I often grab this crystal. Pink is also one of my favorite colors! Rose quartz not only makes you look at yourself more gently and...
My Moon Magic Embroidery Project: Part I
blog Edelstenen Intuitie Magisch Borduren tips

I have a thing for the moon and stars and everything that is present in our galaxy. That's probably because my zodiac sign is Cancer and that sign is connected to the energy of the moon. But also the mystery that surrounds it and that sometimes you are suddenly surprised by the beauty of a clear sky with twinkling stars! In recent months I have also read a lot about how the cycle of the new moon and the full moon affects us humans (more than you would think). Ooh I would like to write so much about this (there...