
Nieuw: Sterrenbeeld crystal hoops

Sterrenbeeld crystal hoops Sterrenbeeld workshop

Nieuw: Sterrenbeeld crystal hoops

We are all made of Stardust...Wil je ook een stukje sterrenhemel aan je muur? Dat kan met deze hand geborduurde sterrenbeelden :) Gemaakt met echte edelstenen en glinsterend gouddraad voor jezelf of om cadeau te geven...

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Heilige geometrie vormen uitgelegd: Triquetra

Heilige geometrie vormen uitgelegd: Triquetra

Wanneer je meedoet aan mijn Magic Embroidery workshop; Crystal grid betreedt je de wereld van heilige geometrie. Vorige week koos een leerling deze vorm: Triquetra
Maar wat betekent het?

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Tips: About how to make an embroidery design part 2

Tips: About how to make an embroidery design part 2

Part 2 Determining the surface, color and material Some time ago I wrote in part 1 that my embroidery design process starts with collecting and filtering. I then concluded with: If the composition is to my liking, I finalize the mood board or collage and then it is ready for the next step. Good to know that I literally used my mood board as an embroidery design, but you can also use it purely for inspiration and make your own design. This time I give tips for determining the type of surface, material and color. Substrate fabric It is important...

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How my love for the Lunéville embroidery technique started

Borduren Ecole Lesage Lunéville Borduurtechniek Paris

How my love for the Lunéville embroidery technique started

Until now I haven't really written a blog about the embroidery technique I use the most, I discovered. While I sit behind my frame almost every day and embroidery is my passion! So it was time for some more explanation. I'm talking about Lunéville embroidery and how my love for it came about...

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Sacred Geometry: The Vesica Piscis

Heilige Geometrie Intuitie Magisch Borduren Vesica Piscis

Sacred Geometry: The Vesica Piscis

First of all, this is such a beautifully recognizable sign within Sacred Geometry: you see two intersecting circles, each of the same size. It is a symbol of balance, rebirth and harmony.

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